Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Front Cover so far

Recently I've been working on the front cover of my magazine using the software 'Adobe Photoshop CS3'. So far using this software has been stressful as sometimes things don't go the way you want it to. However I've been trying my hardest to make the magazine look of a professional standard and conventional. Additionally to be nice I've also attached how my magazine looks so far which is presented below.

Overall I'm quite happy with what it is looks like so far because I like the colour scheme and I believe it was good; how I stuck to flat plan. However there is much more that needs to be done and much improvement for example the artist's name needs to be bigger and there needs to be more range in fonts.

What did I Learn?
I learnt how to create a masthead and change the colour by using cropping and highlighting tools and I also know how to put into text and change the colour of my text by using the text and hightlighting tools.