Tuesday, 15 March 2011

My Finished Front Cover

I have finished my front cover! It took a lot of effort and work but in the end I prevailed! This mini presentation will show you the main things that I have changed from my flat plan to my front cover and the steps I took to get to my final product. I hope you like it and please do remember that my magazine is aimed towards 18-35 year olds and the genre is Hip Hop.

(In case the picture of my front cover is shown smaller and not good quality I have embedded a photo of it below.)

What did I learn?
I learnt how to use Photoshop CS3 properly as that was the editing software I used to create my magazine (I'll go into the tools I used in future presentations) and I learnt that even though you have a flat plan there are things that you'll inevitably want to change and if that's the case there's no need to get stressed about it.